Name your Product Pattern

Use this pattern to make your customers bond with their product by giving it a name and communicating with its digital twin.

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  • The „Name Your Product“ pattern is part of the purchase stage of the customer experience.

    This pattern obviously only works for high involvement products.

    After purchasing a product, the customer is offered the option to give it name. To nudge him into doing so, a stupid name like „Herbie“ is put as a default name. This is a behavioral pattern called „correction“, and the customer certainly wants to correct this.

    After naming his product, its digital twin starts a conversation to open up channels to inform the customer about maintenance and upgrade options. These options are explored in the extended use and maintenance section this library.

    By choosing a channel, the customer can configure the messaging between him and the digital twin of his product.

  • Customers need to build a long lasting relationship with products in the circular economy and take care of them.

  • Communicating conveniently with the digital twin of a product in familiar channels makes the relationship with a product more personal.


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Post Purchase Circular Instructions Pattern


Product Import – Online Purchase