Product Import – RFID Pattern

Use this pattern to make it easy for your customers to import products into any kind of digital service.

Watch the tutorials for all “Product Import” patterns.


  • The „Product Import“ patterns are part of the purchase stage of the customer experience.

    An option for importing online and offline purchases is the the RFID pattern. The customer can scan the actual product to access its digital twin and save it to his cabinet, just like he can save travel tickets to a digital wallet.

    The concept of the cabinet is explored deeper in the extended use section of this library.

    You should give customers an extra incentive to import products to their cabinet this way, like extended warranty.

  • To manage the circularity of a product digitally, its product data or digital twin needs to be imported in a file system that is accessible to the customer.

  • Accurate product information plays an important role for the circulation of materials and products and is also the foundation for most circular services in this library.


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Product Import – QR Code Packaging Pattern


Circular Mode Pattern