Consider more durable Product Pattern

Use this pattern to show your customer the advantages of purchasing a more durable product compared to buying several inferior products over a period of time.

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  • The „Consider more Durable Product“ pattern is part of the purchase stage of the customer experience.

    On the product detail page of an online shop, the customer is offered the option to compare the purchase of the product he has chosen to a more durable product.

    The next screen shows the comparison of less durable products that have to be replaced every few years, and a more durable product that lasts, and in the end offers a better performance for the same price. An overlay shows the data behind this comparison.

    By choosing the more durable product the customer proceeds to check out.

  • Customers buy inferior products because of budget, not taking into account that on the long run, this costs just as much as buying a more durable product from the beginning.

  • More durabel products have a longer lifecycle.


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