Recycling Value Indicator
Use this pattern to show your customer the value of the raw materials in his product.
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The Recycling Value Pattern is used in several patterns across all stages of the customer experience.
It is part of the value patterns in this library. The library aims to preserve the planet. But the patterns of the library aim to preserve the value of products, as this is what customers are more likely to act on.
On the detail page or in the digital product passport a product, the customer can see the materials embodied in his product and its components, including their total recycling value.
At the end of life, this can be an important trigger for the customer not to leave his product unused in his basement or just dispose it, but to return it to the cycle properly.
Please look up the Recycling Pattern in the Upcycle and Recycle section of this library to learn how that works.
Products store valuable materials that can be harvested to be returned to the cycle, but customers need to be aware of this value to act accordingly.
In the circular economy, products are regarded as material banks.